Tuesday 30 September 2014

Beef StroganOff Recipes Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Beef StroganOff Recipes Biography

Source:- Google.com.pk
For years, public health officials have advocated made-from-scratch family meals to curb the nation’s obesity problems. But a recent study from North Carolina State University says that pressure just adds stress to already stressed families.
The team interviewed 150 black, white and Latina mothers, with family incomes varying from poor to middle-class, and spent more than 250 hours with 12 families during meals, grocery runs and children’s medical checks. Most mothers, regardless of income, were feeling the angst.
Lack of time and money, and picky eaters make it tough for today’s mothers to recreate what researchers call “the idealized vision of home-cooked meals.”
And while dads may be helping out more, the researchers say the stress of family meals still falls primarily on women.
Finding time is a huge issue, even for middle-class moms, who may be best able to buy fresh and cook from scratch. Mothers get caught up shuttling their kids to activities, working 40 or more hours a week and typically don’t get home from work until about 6 p.m.
But Kayla Vos of Gillette has figured out how to take the stress out of her kitchen.
Cook once, eat often
Vos was trying to do everything and also be a working mom of 4-year-old and 1-year-old children before she figured out the advantage of freezing slow cooker meals far in advance.
The biggest and hardest problem was her love of working out. By the time she finished work, went for a workout and got home, there was hardly any time to make dinner before shuttling the kids into bed. Her kids often ate cereal for dinner as a result.
She and a friend decided they would take a weekend afternoon to make some freezer Crock-Pot meals, in which all the ingredients are prepared and packaged for a slow cooker meal that can be frozen.
After five hours, which included watching and wrangling four kids, they had 58 meals to split and only spent $200 each. The meals aren’t boring, either: They have enchiladas, barbecue beef, chicken Alfredo, tacos, ravioli and pizza for the slow cooker all piled away flatly and neatly in their freezers.
“It saves a ton of time and so much stress off of you,” said Vos, who works at Peregrine Academic Services. “The kids still eat at a decent hour even though you just spent that hour on yourself.”
Instead of worrying all day about what to make for dinner or the amount of time that it will take to prepare, Vos is already several steps ahead. On the way out the door in the morning, she empties the thawed meal into the slow cooker, turns it on and goes.
“I dump it in the Crock-Pot and in two seconds, dinner is cooking,” she said.
By the time she comes home from work, all she has to do is put together a side dish or, for a few recipes, make noodles.
“I can have dinner on the table in 30 minutes from when I walk in the door,” she said. “I’m never on my way home wondering what to have for dinner and then stopping to get pizza for dinner.”
If she forgets to take something out to thaw, she has backups, like meatballs that she has pre-made and frozen. They are easy to make and, most of all, easy to cook quickly, even from the freezer.
Since she started making meals ahead of time last year, she said her kids are getting healthier and more consistent meals.
The nearly 30 meals that she gets by spending one afternoon cooking lasts for several months. Many of the meals are big enough to make leftovers and some of her kids’ favorites, like spaghetti, aren’t too time-consuming.
The meals include few casseroles. She and her cooking partner decided they take too long to thaw and when she gets home, she still has to put it in the oven.
The slow cooker meals are great for the convenience but also for the nights her husband works. He can scoop out his own meal before leaving for the evening and she still can eat with her kids when she gets home.
“They’re done, it’s quick and you have dinner ready when you get home,” she said.
Stressed mealtimes
Jessica Fisher, mother of six, and author of “Good Cheap Eats” and “Not Your Mother’s Freeze-Ahead Cookbook,” put together her cookbooks as an aid to help other mothers in the kitchen.
“If you aren’t stressed about the time, you are stressed about the money,” she said.
She started freezing meals ahead of time before her first child was born. She spent a day in the kitchen with a friend, just like Kayla Vos, and had six weeks of meals to put in the freezer.
As her family grew, so did the freezer meals. She loves that freezer meals can be so versatile.
“You can tweak it to suit how you live. You can modify recipes to whatever family size you have,” she said. “That is what is so beautiful.”
For example, one of her tips for smaller households is to make lasagna in a few loaf pans instead of a 9x13 pan. Then the family won’t be so tired of lasagna before the pan is actually finished.
She loves being able to come home and grab enchiladas or burritos for dinner.
“It’s a homemade convenience and a gift from God so that I can get on with stuff I need to do,” she said. “I don’t have to make a choice how I spend my time and as a mom, your minutes are numbered.”
The great thing about freezer meals, like casseroles, is that you can delegate the cooking to older children or husbands.
“I can call on my way and tell them to turn on the oven and put the lasagna in and I’ll be home in 30 minutes,” Fisher said. “Someone else can easily take care of dinner and you can involve the whole household.”
Fisher suggests double or tripling whatever meal is being made for dinner. She admits that stocking up the freezer can be overwhelming. And some moms don’t have a day to cook several meals for the freezer.
“Double dinner every night for one week,” she said. “And all of a sudden, you’ve bought yourself another week.”
The good news about a meal is it doesn’t take double the time. It only takes a few more minutes of assembly in a pan for the freezer. But in the end, it saves time, stress and money.
Kayla Vos’ grocery store trips have become much easier, she said. She doesn’t spend nearly as much money because most of her meals are already taken care of. She gets away with a cart full of only staples, like milk, eggs and veggies for side dishes.
It may sound crazy to some, but genius to others.
Jessica Fisher also brings a few freezer meals on vacation with her. Her family often stays in rooms with a small kitchen. So she packs up a lasagna, which she jokes, takes a few days to completely thaw anyway, or packs up her slow cooker.
“It’s a really nice break that give the freedom to eat out if you want, but cuts down on money spent,” she said.
Plus, if her little kids start to get cranky and tired before they are able to go out for dinner, she’s got something for them.
It’s just one more way that she can ensure that her precious minutes aren’t wasted fighting with hungry kids and cuts down on the stress that family vacations are already full of.
For stressed-out mothers trying to do everything, freezer meals, whether a casserole or enchiladas or a something ready for the Crock-Pot, is a homemade convenience.

Beef StroganOff Recipes Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Beef StroganOff Recipes Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Beef StroganOff Recipes Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Beef StroganOff Recipes Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Beef StroganOff Recipes Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Beef StroganOff Recipes Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Beef StroganOff Recipes Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Beef StroganOff Recipes Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Beef StroganOff Recipes Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Beef StroganOff Recipes Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Beef StroganOff Recipes Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Beef StroganOff Recipes Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Beef StroganOff Recipes Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Beef StroganOff Recipes Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Beef StroganOff Recipes Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

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