Tuesday 30 September 2014

Minced Beef Recipe Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Minced Beef Recipe Biography

Source:- Google.com.pk
Busy” is the buzzword in our fast-paced culture. Dashing from one event to the next and always feeling behind has become the norm — but is often not the best for our mental and physical health. Slowing down the gears can be difficult, so until that happens, finding ways to take better care of ourselves despite being time-crunched might be a good idea.
 If we think about the “foundation” that helps us to function at our best, it includes getting adequate sleep, drinking sufficient fluids throughout the day, getting daily exercise, fueling our brains and bodies appropriately by not leaving big gaps between eating episodes, and consuming important nutrients. Unfortunately, when the clock is ticking and the day’s demands are high, one or more of these foundation factors often drop to the bottom of the “to do” list.
 If our eating is sporadic, when we do think about putting some fuel in our tank, it may not include the wisest choices. Many of the convenience foods and “fast foods” we lean on when time is tight can get us into trouble when it comes to health. They tend to be more refined, contain a lot of additives, may be high in sugar/solid fats/sodium/calories, while being low in nutrients and fiber.
With a little practice and preplanning, we can actually move toward healthier food choices despite being time-constrained. An easy way to save time is to make healthy meals in bulk for use over several meals. The remainder can be used for lunches and/or dinners throughout the week, or frozen for future use. This can be done as you make meals during the week, or if it works better for your schedule, set aside time on the weekends.
It often does not take much more time to just double or triple a recipe, especially if the ingredients require little or no preparation time. An example would be using frozen vegetables which are generally as nutritious as the fresh.
A slow-cooker can be useful when time is tight and you get home right before dinner. There are thousands of recipes online for slow cooking. Look for recipes that contain healthy ingredients because everything you put into the pot is what you eat. Soups, chili, and stews are perfect for a quick heat-up when your schedule is erratic.
Quick stovetop cooking can also be helpful (and is faster than baking). Poaching poultry or fish is a great way to have a meal ready in minutes. Just put a little water or broth in a pan, add some boneless, skinless chicken breasts or a piece of fish, cover, bring to a boil and then turn down the heat to simmer until it is cooked through. Within about 10 minutes, you are ready to eat. To improve the flavor, once it is cooked, try topping with salsa, chutney, flavored mustards, tomato sauce, barbecue sauce, or a dusting of Parmesan cheese.
You can also boil a package of chicken breasts, cut them into cubes, put portioned amounts in ziplock bags in the freezer, and use them in assorted recipes as needed.
A stir-fry is a quick and easy meal. Into a large pot or fry pan, put a little olive oil, some fresh or frozen veggies, a source of protein (like chicken, turkey, pork, lean beef, or beans), and some flavoring (like herbs, cumin, chili powder, curry powder, onions, etc.). Cook this mixture, stirring occasionally, until all the ingredients are done. If you are using stiffer vegetables like cubed butternut squash or sweet potato, you may need to steam or microwave them a little before adding them to the pan.
Grilling or broiling can also result in a quick meal. Fish requires no prep time. Meat, poultry, or vegetables can all be marinated in a mixture of olive oil, some balsamic vinegar, some minced garlic or onion, and some herbs in the morning before you leave the house. When you get home, in the time it takes to cook a whole grain (brown rice, quinoa, whole grain pasta, etc.) and/or a microwave/steam a vegetable, the protein portion should be finished cooking on the grill or in the broiler.
If you have a grill basket, try marinating cubes of raw chicken in some olive oil and balsamic vinegar in the morning. At dinnertime, toss the chicken and marinade with a large amount of bite-sized vegetables (thawed frozen or fresh). Add them to the grill basket, lower the lid, and stir occasionally until cooked through.
Another time-saver is to cook up a large batch of some whole grains, starchy vegetables, or other vegetable and refrigerate or freeze them in appropriate portion-sized containers for use at another meal. Then all you have to do is heat them up!
Another quick meal involves cooking some whole grain pasta. While it is cooking, open a can or two of cooked beans (kidney beans, black beans, chick peas, etc. — preferably the lower sodium ones) and simmer in a saucepan with some low sodium marinara sauce. You can even toss in some leftover cooked vegetables or cooked meat/poultry from another meal. Serve the tomato/bean mixture over the pasta. This is a great meal when you have not been to the grocery store, since a large amount of all the ingredients can be kept in your cupboards at all times.
If you do end up eating out, try to make healthy choices and purposefully only eat an appropriate amount. This not only helps with calorie control but you can take the rest home for a quick healthy meal in the next day or so.
For lunches and dinners, plan to make half the meal veggies, a quarter protein, and a quarter a whole grain or starchy vegetable. Think of combinations that are quick and easy, but made up of primarily basic healthy foods — not the more processed ones. It takes no more time at the store to buy a healthy food than a less healthy one.
Set yourself up for success in taking better care of yourself and your family despite your busy lifestyle. By taking better care of your brain and body, you will not only feel better and more energized, but you will be more efficient and effective in the other areas of your life.
Pam Stuppy, MS, RD, CSSD, LD, is a registered, licensed dietitian with nutrition counseling offices in York, Maine, and Portsmouth. She is also the nutritionist for Phillips Exeter Academy, presents workshops nationally, and is board-certified as a specialist in sports dietetics. Visit www.pamstuppynutrition.com for nutrition information, healthy cooking tips and recipe ideas.
- See more at: http://www.seacoastonline.com/article/20141012/NEWS/141019980/101172/LIFESTYLE#sthash.bvE6Gb9L.dpuf

Catching up with friends for a late night cuppa? You’ll be comfortable in a Wegner’s President Chair or the Grant Featherston R160 Contour Chair upholstered in blue.

And if you’d like to have any of these and other iconic mid-century designs for your home, you can pre-order them through the cafe where they being used — Exhibit Cafe in Taman Tun Dr Ismail.

With wall-length windows that let natural light in during the day, the dining area has an understated Zen-like ambience that feels like the uber mod living room of a well-appointed urban home.

The designer furniture may fill up most of the space but far from crowding it, they are well placed and complement each other. Deciding which chair you would like to test out as you enjoy your drink or meal, you will find yourself taking note of how the seat feels and perhaps, subconsciously, try to figure out if or how it might fit into your home.

- See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/eat-drink/article/lifestyle-store-or-cafe-exhibit-cafe-in-taman-tun-dr-ismail-is-both#sthash.mAJXCciF.dpuf

They include Premium Beans selected by Ninety Plus, a Denver-based coffee producer that’s renowned for their rare and exclusive coffees, which are roasted by Maruyama.

“We first tried Maruyama Coffee on one of our regular trips back to Japan, and actually picked up a bag of their beans from Dean & Delucca,” Rie recalls. She has long been a coffee drinker and had worked part-time at a cafe during her student days to learn more about the bean.

See Hin, on the other hand, had only tried our local Hainanese coffee but the high caffeine content quickened his heartbeat so he never drank much.

When they tried Maruyama, the couple knew that it was the only coffee they wanted to serve at their cafe — an idea that they had been bouncing off each other since meeting through mutual friends in 2008 but didn’t seriously begin planning until three years ago. What made Maruyama’s coffee stand out for them was the fact that whether you drink it hot or cold, the brew is always pleasant.

- See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/eat-drink/article/lifestyle-store-or-cafe-exhibit-cafe-in-taman-tun-dr-ismail-is-both#sthash.mAJXCciF.dpuf

Minced Beef Recipe Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Minced Beef Recipe Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Minced Beef Recipe Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Minced Beef Recipe Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Minced Beef Recipe Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Minced Beef Recipe Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Minced Beef Recipe Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Minced Beef Recipe Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Minced Beef Recipe Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Minced Beef Recipe Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Minced Beef Recipe Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Minced Beef Recipe Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Minced Beef Recipe Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Minced Beef Recipe Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

Minced Beef Recipe Recipes In Urdu Kerala Style Easy Panlasang Pinoy Pakisani Healthy With PIctures Filipino Style For Kids Asian

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